Character Bios


Real name: William Ian Teeman
Powers: none
Weapon/s: Two semi-automatic pistols
Backstory: Will Teeman was born into the London mob and was quickly introduced to the criminal underworld. As a child he had always admired the many superheroes fighting crime around the world. After a few unsatisfying years working with his family on the wrong side of the law, he decided he wanted out. The conventional way to leave the Mob was in a coffin but Will had other ideas. He began circulating rumours of a new superhero who was invulnerable to bullets. Once he was convinced that the rumour had taken hold of the imaginations of the gangsters, he faked his own death by the hands of his new persona, WHITEMAN. 
Thinking that Whiteman was bullet proof, the Mob never shot at him, instead they laid out overly elaborate death traps that failed by their own poor designs. Nevertheless Whiteman was credited for the failure of the traps and gained a reputation for being an expert escape artist.

GOLDMAN (goldm-n)

Real name: Ernest Goldman (goldm-n)
Powers: Sharper than average mind, faster than average speed and reflexes. Formation of hard outer skin at will.
Weapon/s: Insulin (to fight diabetes)
Backstory: The uneventful life of a janitor in the Late and Tyle Golden Syrup factory was all that Ernest Goldman could lay claim to, until one fateful night a near fatal accident changed his body, mind and life, forever. 
In an attempt to avoid legal action, Late and Tyle promoted Ernest from janitor to product representative. After a couple of months speaking at corporate events, Ernest felt that his new skills were being wasted and decided to put his mind to crime fighting. Seeing an add for SUPERHEROES WANTED FOR NEW SUPER TEAM, Ernest Decided that this was his chance. He quit his job and began his new life as GOLDMAN.


Real name: Joel Paladin
Powers: Abnormally active lymphatic system.
Weapon/s: none
Backstory: Joel was an average teen who enjoyed superhero comics, movies and autobiographies. His greatest wish was to become a superhero himself. After a medical checkup it was revealed that an abnormally active Lymphatic system would lead to small injuries healing a little faster than most people.
Joel immediately acquired a superhero costume and assumed the name ATMA LYMPH! Seeing an advert in his local paper for new members to form a superhero team under the command of the  moderately well known crime fighter, Whiteman, Joel seized the opertunity to put his powers into practice.

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